Pratibha Castle
From an early age, Pratibha Castle reversed the bed-time story tradition. Instead of listening to tales read by her father, she recited to him tales of her own creation. She won an essay competition aged nine; wrote, directed and acted in a school play aged ten.
Her attention then turned to music, motherhood and meditation until the death of her mother in 2007 when she returned to writing. She graduated from The University of Chichester in 2011 with a first-class honours degree in English and Creative Writing.
Pratibha has been shortlisted, received honourable mention in competitions and won an award in the NADFAS short story competition 2009, age range 13 – 17.
Her poems feature in print journals including Agenda, Irish Poets in the Uk edition, Sarasvati, Reach, Inspired, Beyond Words, Dreich, Fly on the Wall, and Poetry and All That Jazz. They also appear online in The Blue Nib, Fragmented Voices, The Honest Ulsterman, Panopoly, and Words for the Wild.
Her work broadcasts regularly on West Wilts Radio, appears in anthologies, has been shortlisted and received honourable mention in competitions. Pratibha Castle’s debut pamphlet A Triptych of Birds and a Few Loose Feathers was a winner in Hedgehog Press Competition Nicely Folded Paper Trois.